Classes are now only on Zoom. Anthony will not return to weekly in-person classes as he has relocated. However, he will conduct in-person workshops frequently in NYC.
ZOOM SCHEDULE: (times listed are EST)
Mon/Tues: 12:30-1:30, 5:30-6:30, 7:30-8:30pm
Wed/Thurs: 12-1, 7-8pm
*Please note that class admissions are on a rolling basis*
Classes are conducted with the goal of "doing work that gets work," and with the conviction that the best teacher is experience. Thus, there is a minimum of sitting and listening and a maximum of doing and experiencing. Each week sides which are currently casting are unlocked, rehearsed, and analyzed. Attention is also paid to individual acting concerns, monologues, improvisation, character work, and scene study.
Believing, as we do, in Stanislavski’s dictum: "No recipes, whatever works," it is our intention that a wide variety of tools be made available for the actors' tool belts, for use as circumstances and material require. Regardless of whatever route these actors take, they are always welcome to coach on auditions.
All new students are required to audition. To apply for an audition, see audition requirements.